Friday, January 27, 2012


I keep thinking I've got the whole three kids thing pretty under control but by the time I get home from going anywhere by myself with all three I'm completely wiped. Tonight, James had the cast party for his ballet and went straight there from work. My original plan was just to veg at home with the kids. However, with my back being out for the first half of the week and needing to clean the house for the second half- the kids and I were going stir crazy. So I decided to be brave and go to our ward chili cookoff and pinewood derby. It was fun. The kids wouldn't eat anything of course. But they LOVED sitting next to the track to watch the cars race. And thankfully friends helped watch Sariah and Ben so I could feed Eli.

So all went well. Came home fed the kids a snack. Got pjs on and put them to bed. And now... I'm exhausted!!

Hopefully, Eli will go to bed early so I can get some sleep! Fingers crossed!

Sent from Sam's iPhone

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