Wednesday, April 8, 2009

November 17, 2009



Anie said...

Oh my stars!! Congrats!!!! that is so exciting!! I am so happy for you! Baby #2 Whoop Whoop!!! ^_^

Shauna said...

Congratulations!! I am so happy for you, I was thinking it was about time. how far along are you?? yahoo...the fun begins

McAtee Family said...

Yahoo!!! Now I don't have to keep quiet :)

#2 is so much fun - it is awesome to see how #1 deals with no longer being alone and learning to love a sibling. Sariah is going to love it!

Amber said...

Yeah!!! Congratulations! That is so exciting!!!

Tina said...

Okay. If we can get the government to agree, then we can time this right. I missed seeing Sariah as a newborn. Maybe I can see baby number two before we move to ??? for ???!!!

LA Law said...


Nana said...

CONGRATS !!! I AM HAPPY FOR YOU THREE. I just found out that my daughter is going to make me a Nana for the second time in november.

Unknown said...

Yeah!!! That is awesome!! Congratulations!!

Kiera said...

How exciting!!! Now I can't wait to see Carol's ultra sound! Hope that you don't mind me living Carol's baby bump though yours!!!

Jennie said...

Congrats Sam!!

The Wehrmeister's said...

Congrats! I love OTHER people having babies!!

Alanna said...

Sam I am so happy for you! Congratulations! This is such a neat time in your life, starting up your little family. Hope you are feeling well.

Rebecca said...

Yeah! Congratulations! I didn't know. When is the baby due? I hope the pregnancy goes well. I look forward to many stories of big sister Sariah!

Catherine said...

What!!?? Congratulations!!!! How exciting!

margene f said...


Angela Muir said...