Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Okay, after my last little pity party post. Thanks thanks thanks! Your comments really helped. I know it was silly to let myself be so critical and the things that people said were perfect and exactly what I needed to hear. I'm feeling much better and up beat. Also my husband left me a little thank you card. I guess he had left it on my desk Sunday, but since my desk is super messy I didn't see it until today. The great thing is that he doesn't read my blog, so he doesn't really know that I was having a pity party. He is a romantic and often will do things like this. Usually, it is about the time that I begin to wonder if he even notices anything I do. But it helped me to know that he does see even if I don't think he does. I think it is easy to be critical. And somehow I convince myself that I'm being prideful if I'm not critical. That doing it helps to make me humble. I think this is a pretty good plot that Satan uses. It seems right, but really it just lets us think that we aren't worth as much. And I know that God sees all our worth. I think about how I look at Sariah and think she's just perfect (because let's face it- she is! :)) But how sad it would make me if she were as critical of herself as I am of myself. I'm sure that it is the same with Heavenly Father. He sees our beauty and perfection as his children and he desires for us to feel our worth. So I'm starting again to keep reminding myself to be more proud. To know my own worth. And if there are things I want to improve on to make the time to do so. That I can take more time for me and that isn't selfish. I'm a pretty cool person! :)


Kiera said...

I love you Sam! You are just what I need! I think that we sometimes stay tucked away in safe in our own little worlds in order to survive "keeping up with the jones's." In the past year or so I have finally said to heck with the Jones's I am me an too bad for anyone that doesnt like it! I feel so much better about getting up in the morning. You are so right about how sad we would be if we saw our children be hard on themselves... There is NOTHING wrong with wanting to better ourselves but we need to remember in that process that we are Remarkable at everything we do... Lets stand in AWE of ourselves more often...

Amber said...

Ditto Girls! I too said the heck with the Jones's...Who knows? Maybe the Jones's has a lot of debt!

Unknown said...

Sammie you have no idea how many people (including me) look at you and say "wow, she really has it together." or "there is someone I want to be like." You are amazingly talented and full of inspiration and hope for others. Dont worry about being the "best" at any one thing, just enjoy the many things you are doing. I love you, sis.

Unknown said...

Ha!! Everyone is slamming on those poor Jones' like it's their fault!! Just kiddin'
Keep being your awesome self..