Saturday, December 10, 2011

Getting induced!

So here are my last pregnancy pictures before getting induced with Eli.  We took these the night before.  James- yep still thought I looked huge.  So sweet! You can see my reaction to that in the second picture.  To be honest, I felt huge.  I was so excited that I was going to be induced the next day. 

The doctors appointment went like this. 

Doc- Well you are now dilated to a 2, I think you look favorable to be induced.  Let me get the calendar so we can pick a date. 

Doc brings the calendar in… Well any day this week looks good.

Me- Umm is tomorrow too soon?

Doc- No tomorrow is fine.

Me- Okay great (On the inside I was singing praises of joy something like HALLLEEEELUUUUIIAAAA!!!  TOMORROW TOMORROW I LOVE YOU TOMORROW…. yeah I didn’t do this out loud don’t worry)




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