It seems like whenever you see someone again after not having been in contact they ask "so what's new." I never know how to answer this. Usually it has been a while and so I'm sure many things have happened, but either my minds blanks or the things have all been resolved, or I'm just not sure they really want to hear the saga of my life. So what do you say-- the traditional oh not that much how about you?-- do you go into detail on all the happenings-- or meet in the middle and try to tell them a few big things (hopefully you have a few big things to say.)
So here goes with what's new- (If you want to be spared the saga of my life just stop here!
1) My little
rolly polly! Last week
Sariah figured out how to use rolling to get something she wants. People kept asking if she could crawl. I know that they are just making conversation but then I start to have complex and wonder if she should be able to and she isn't and maybe I'm not stimulating her enough... So I put her down with some toys- just out of reach. And while she isn't crawling she is moving a lot. It was like one day she just figured out how to move around and get to things. She is especially gifted at getting paper, electronic devices, and anything else I'm not sure I want her to have.
2) Clapping- Yep she can clap now. It is really cute! Her little chubby hands!
3) I finished painting my kitchen and living room. After almost 2 months, I'm done painting. It just kept going and going and going. But I love the results. I haven't taken pictures yet, but I will do so and post them soon.
4) My dad will start chemo treatment soon. End of the month is the plan.
5) James has been at his job a few months now and still loves it. I love that he comes home so much earlier. I feel like we can actually do things in the evening. With the other job, he would come home eat dinner and go to be pretty much. It is such a blessing to have him home by or before 5.
6) My work is going great. I've been a bit of a slacker this week, so the next few days I need to work harder. But I'm realizing how blessed I have it. I have pretty much the perfect job.
7) Jessie has moved out. She is in Connecticut now. This I think will be awesome for her. She will be able to learn a lot and really grow. It is weird to think that if James had stayed with his previous job, we would be the ones that had moved. I'm glad we stayed. I think this worked out the best for us- I could imagine moving or rather being moved already.
8) We got the DISH. James finally broke me down and convinced me to get the Dish with a
DVR. I will admit to him that it hasn't increased how much TV we watch and now I just watch what I want.
9) John and Kate Plus 8 addiction. So now that we do have the dish, I'm addicted to John and Kate plus 8. I don't watch it that much, but I have it all
DVRed for when I do want to watch TV. I just love them! I think they are funny and it makes me realize how simple and easy I have it. It is a good reality check that someone else has a lot more to do than me and I should be
10) I am working on my photography website. I plan to really work hard and have it done by next week. I want to get it up an running again. So I will let you know when you can check it out!
So I guess that is my 10 things of what is new with me. Now I will have to remember them for next time someone asks! :)