Monday, November 17, 2014

Life changes

We are in the process of finding a new norm. I sort of feel like we've been in this process for a while. Like since I got pregnant. First finding a routine for while I was sick. Then James' dad moving in with us. Then James changed jobs which also meant he started traveling for work. Than getting big and pregnant with no energy. Also having the basement finished so workers at our house and stuff taking over the garage. Then having the baby ....

And this is our first week with James traveling and new baby on our own. So lately it seems once we find our groove something changes. 

I'm also trying to carve "me" out again I feel like. Life has been kinda busy/all consuming. And I haven't made time for any outlets for myself. So in the new norm this time I'm trying to find something for me. Since I haven't blogged consistently for a long time, I'm pretty sure no one reads this. So I'm hoping to start one outlet here. Writing helps work through and get things out, right?  

So in all my nursing, holding baby, burping baby time.. Some of it will be writing here.  Using my phone. 

1 comment:

LA Law said...

Good luck! New babies a great--but a HUGE adjustment.