Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I am an artist

I decided to be creative with Sariah's bath paints. I think I did a
pretty good Elmo. Although at first Sariah said it was a bear. When I
pointed out that it was in fact Elmo she was able to appreciate my
creative genious. Hehe


Unknown said...

I think it is a great rendition of Elmo! Too cute!

James said...

Nice artwork honey!

Shauna said...

yes you are girl:)

Brandi Hastings said...

Look at the talent! Don't you love the honesty of little children?

Anie said...

That was the best Elmo I have ever seen!

Rob the Blog Ninja said...

im impressed. I have tried to do a rendition of Elmo on the etch a sketch and magnadoodle many times with no success.