Tuesday, April 8, 2008


What causes the thought of "Someday I might need this." As hard as I have tried to keep my life uncluttered, it just happens. I recently saw Oprah's show on hording and within 2 days had bagged up 4 bags of close and 1 bag of shoes to take to Goodwill. It is amazing what I can part with when I'm in the right mood. I just wish I wouldn't hold on to things in the first place. With the pending move, I'm beginning to look around the house and think, what can I get rid of, where can I cut back.

Purging cleanses the soul. It helps me realize that material things don't make me who I am. That I don't need to hold on to earthly things and that they really are just things.


Kiera said...

I am not an OPRAH watcher BUT...I am with you on the whole perge thing.... In fact sometimes I think it would be easier to just light a match!

Unknown said...

I found you! I love the pictures of Sariah...she is so beautiful. I don't know how grandma can bear the thought of you guys moving away. Conn would be awesome though!

Catherine said...

I love it when I get into those moods. Sometimes it's easier to "get rid", than other times, (for me anyway). I definitely have to be in the right mood.

Hays said...

You have inherited the dreaded Mayo Pack Rat Syndrome!
You must not throw that away...you might need it someday...usually right after you throw it out!
I got it from my Dad, now you got it from me!
See how it works. Just try to get rid of it....Ha..Ha...Ha