Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The journey

Life has been its usual whirlwind lately. Not sure I want to stay up late enough to write it all out tonight. But we are now days away from being in our new house in Olathe, KS. And while I have resisted this decision and cried a lot of sad tears over it... I know this is the journey I'm supposed to be on. I felt prompted strongly at the beginning that the Lord wanted us to move. I felt his reassuring love as things weren't going well and after fervent prayer they started working out. And while we are still hoping and praying that everything lines up for us to close Friday, I felt peace tonight. Peace that comes when you follow the Lord's way. I'm excited for the changes this will bring to our family. To actually have James home at a decent hour during the week. To not worry about his long commute that always has people getting in accidents. To be able to just do lunch with him when I want because he's 10 minutes away. So many little and big changes are coming by removing his long commute to work. And I have no doubt that the Lord has big things in store since I know I've felt his hand in the process. 

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