Saturday, September 18, 2010


I almost died but I ran 18 miles today. I'm now lying in bed super sore and very sunburned. But I did it. That is what matters.

I ran out of water/gatoraid with about 5 miles to go. Partially because I got this new water bottle belt. And didn't realize that a few of the bottles were leaking. So I lost some fluid on the way. Seriously thought I would have to call James to come get me. It was probably close to noon. Sun beating down. Dying of thirst on the back road of Cookingham. I spotted a little church and just prayed they would have an outside water spout for a hose. I saw an old one and tried it but no water came out. You know the kind where the handle lifts up. I was heartbroken. I went around the building and finally saw a hose hookup. Hallelluia!! (don't think I spelled that right). I filled up two bottles and let's just say by the end of the run I would have drank more if I had more. But man I might just have to go to that church. It was an amazing blessing today.

As for the sunburn. That is mostly my own fault. Last week I was careful to fully lather up on sunscreen. I didn't even get any color at all. So this week I was lazy and thought I could get away with my face and the tops of my shoulders. Umm no. Totally red splotchy where I was sloppy with the sunscreen. Upper arms. Front chest. Upper back. Upper front thighs. A little on my cheeks (face :)). It is a nightmare.

Here's hoping I get some sleep.

Sent from Sam's iPhone


Nana said...

Woh, I am so PROUD of you Sam. Once a pond a time I use to run and run and run....Now I have to train all over to do that.

Have a blessed day! said...

Great job on your 18! It is quite hard to focus when you know your fluids are running low; happened to me just two weeks ago. I had to steal water from a friend's house along the route (used the hose too!).

Good luck with the rest of your training!

Have a blessed day! said...

Great job on your 18! It is quite hard to focus when you know your fluids are running low; happened to me just two weeks ago. I had to steal water from a friend's house along the route (used the hose too!).

Good luck with the rest of your training!