Thursday, February 9, 2012


Tonight, I feel drained. Not so much physically as mentally and emotionally.

My awesome mother in law kept our older kids yesterday and part of today so that James and I could take our midterms. Each one took about 3 hours. So 3 hour test yesterday and 3 hour test today. And not three I know what I'm doing hours. Three I have no clue and no confidence in my abilities in this class hours. Sucky!

And then this afternoon I heard a song that brought me to tears thinking about my dad. Most days I do pretty well with my emotions about this. But today wasn't one of those. It was a I miss him and I miss him a lot kinda day.

So tonight I'm drained. I'm just feeling down and spent. I'm hoping to find some more joy tomorrow because today was hard.

Sent from Sam's iPhone

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