Sunday, March 10, 2013

Friends over

I did it. This week I managed to have friends over a few times. And it just completely lifted my spirits. It is so nice to be social. I just need to get control over my initial introvertedness and be more outgoing.

I also got an email today requesting for a photographer. It is a friend of someone I shot their wedding. And they want me for their wedding. I am so mixed emotion. It has been a long time since I've done anything professionally. I always become a complete ball of nerves. But part of me really misses it. So I will probably say yes and then stress until June about it. :)

And tonight for some reason my kids won't go to bed. Could be all the dessert they ate. But mommy and daddy are both running low on patience. So off to put another kid back in their bed.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good for you!!! I get anxiety over social things. One of the things I've always done is insist on driving. I want to be in control. I have a huge fear of being in the back seat of a car, surrounded by people and conversing for long hours!!