Thursday, August 18, 2011

Playtime fail

So some friends from church coordinated a play date at Dagg Park. Well yeah the city decided to close the fountains and the wading pool except for Sat & Sun and didn't tell anyone. So we got there and could only stare at the water from outside the fence. Then my kids were big wimps and didn't want to play at the park because all the equipment was too hot for their tastes. I decided it was too close to nap time if there wasn't going to be any water and we left early. I told Sariah we could go for chocolate shakes to make up for it. Hopefully after naps we can go to the Y for the splash park.

I wonder if I spoil my kids. I felt bad that they couldn't swim and that I needed to do something to make up for it. Hence the chocolate shake. But maybe I should have just told them it wasn't open and left it at that. It just seems hard for them to understand. Ugh. I'm probably spoiling them to much because I don't want to listen to the fits or tears. Hmmm
Mommy fail?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

Tina said...

Dude! Your kids are lucky you take them out of the house. Lucy is lucky if she gets three walks in one day. It's been at least a month since she saw a dog park! And once the dog park was closed...and I drove her around all over town until I found someplace else I could let her out. I had said "dog park" and didn't want to disappoint her either. You do what you gotta do sometimes. It's not "Mommy fail," it's "Mommy prevail!!!" ;)