Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Pregnancy Update

Yes, I'm still pregnant! There- that's the update! hehehe No my sister was giving me a hard time that I haven't posted any update on my doctor appointments, etc. So here goes!

I am now 39 weeks pregnant. My due date is still the 17th (next Tuesday/one more week). I've had a few appointments since my last post. Today was the latest. So I'm now dilated to........drum roll........ 2.5 not quite a 3. I've been making about .5 headway each week it seems. I was really hoping for more today. The baby is sitting a lot lower (I think) and very uncomfortable so I was hoping that would make more of a difference! Oh well. I am glad to be make at least some progress and not just staying at a 1.

It does look like they will let me induce next week towards the end of the week so I won't be in the hospital on Thanksgiving. But I don't have an official date. We are all still hoping that I will go on my own before then.

So part of me is losing hope that I can go naturally on my own. Everyone says my body knows what to do this time. But really I think my body has no freakin clue what to do. I feel like I have been in labor for a few weeks now! False contractions all throughout the day and night that never really evolve to more. I really would prefer not to be induced this time, but either way I get a baby! :) I'm all about the end result! I plan to do a nice long walk tomorrow just in case that will help! hehehe


Tina said...

I'm so excited for you! 'Hope it's soon. :)

Nana said...

I hope MOTHER NATURE let you do it job naturally...good luck.

Lisa said...

Yay on the dilation. At least your body is starting to figure things out. At least IF they do have to induce, you are starting out ahead of where you were with Sariah. Hopefully, you'll go on your own though. :)

Unknown said...

Just keep your cell handy on that long walk...you know, just in case. :)

Shauna said...

Oh man...the waiting game! hang in there! he will eventually come out:) keep us posted

LA Law said...

I think the last few days/weeks are the worst! Good Luck and keep us posted!

Anonymous said...

Wow, happened so fast! Can't believe he will be born soon - seems like I just found out. Congrats, and hope everything goes well!

Goodson Family said...

Hey Sam! Just remember: it's called an EDD = Estimated Due Date b/c it's not an exact science. Babies don't need exactly 40 weeks. Sometimes they need more, sometimes less. The trick is to just wait until the baby signals your body to start labor! Merani was born perfectly healthy 13 days post-EDD. Having the crazy Braxton Hicks or even false labor for so long is not too uncommon. It doesn't happen to everybody, but to many. Also, the more work that your body does slowly now, the less work it actually has left to do when you go into active labor! :)

If you need any other "you can do it!" thoughts, please let me know. I know a lot about this topic, and I'm certain that your body can do it. ;)

Colton Anne said...

I hope you go naturally too...I did have to be induced for Cora, but that was my own doing as once her due date got here I was ready for her to come out since Kayley was 4 weeks early, it was hard for me those last 4 weeks with Cora. But I will say Cora's delivery was SO much easier and faster than Kayley's! I guess my body did know what to do as well as I knew what to do with the 2nd one versus the 1st...good luck and we'll be anxious to hear the good news! :)