Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Day

Okay a few thoughts from yesterday. On Sunday, my dad spoke in church. I love when he talks. I'm sure some people find my dad too opinionated and sometimes offensive, but he is my dad. I love to hear him speak especially in church. He has an amazing knowledge and testimony. Sunday was a rare treat. My dad is a Vietnam vet. He usually doesn't talk that much about his experience there- at least not in detail. But Sunday he shared his passion for our country and those who have served it. He spoke about the origin of Memorial day- which to be honest I didn't really know about until he told me. He spoke about it being a day of remembrance and reconciliation after the Civil War. It was a unique opportunity to see the more emotional side of my father as he shared his love for this country. My two brothers currently serve as Us Marines. I'm grateful and honored to have such men as family. I'm grateful to live in a free and blessed country. I know that I am niave about the world I live in and the oppression that exists in other countries. I hope that I don't take for granted the blessing of being born in the US. My father to me is an amazing hero. He has served his country and God. He has blessed me with a testimony of the true church and challenged me to be my best self. I could not ask for anything more than he has so abundantly given.


Blake and Yanery said...
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Blake and Yanery said...

Hey Sam! Wow it has been forever! Your daughter is beautiful. I am so glad to see how things are going for you. Your such a great person. I hope we can meet up the next time I come into KC. Let's not loose touch again.

Unknown said...

I wish I could have heard his talk, I think it's important for us to feel the passion of those who served our country for our behalf.