Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The line up

So growing up we had the best traditions.  One of which was the line up on the stairs. 


For the Christmas and Easter, we would line up oldest to youngest on the stairs.  We would wait here for mom to go and make sure that the lights were on –on the tree for Christmas, and that Santa and the Easter Bunny had left.  So this year, with us all back in town we did one more line up for memory sake.  Funny I don’t remember it being so crowded on those stairs!


Sariah also wanted to join in the fun!


Christmas 2010

Well obviously I’m still catching up.  So here was our last Christmas brought to you in March. 

Starting with the “RUN” to the presents!


This may be as close as Sariah ever gets to a real pet.  Sad I know!



I have started the new pj tradition.  So each year we try to get new and fun pjs.  This is the one present we get to open on Christmas Eve.  I must say that I think Ben’s were the cutest this year!  I especially love the part where they say “I ate Santa’s Cookies.”



Sariah took the biggest present award this year.  Santa was quite the big spender this year getting her a complete set of Princess Barbie Dolls. 


My momma was there to celebrate the day with us.  After presents, she started texting everyone Merry Christmas.  She’s so techy!  Smile


And since mom was there, we were able to get some great morning family photos!


And now for what we truly look like in the morning!


Friday, March 18, 2011

Climbed in

He climbed in all by himself. Thus only one leg made it through.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


I think she is pretty photogenic.  At least she isn’t shy to the camera!


Sariah face collage

Mommy and me

While Ben was napping, James took some impromptu photos of me and Sariah before church.  I LOVE THEM!! 






Trying to catch her jump

I asked James to take a picture of Sariah a few Sunday’s ago because well I hope it is apparent that she picked her own outfit.  I should say she was doing well at first.  She had decided to go dress herself.  She originally picked out the pink shirt and the grey pants.  That is all fine except it was Sunday and she needed a dress or skirt on for church.  But she refused to change what she already had and insisted on simply adding to it.  And voila:



Then the photo shoot continued into funny face photos.


Then she started jumping which James saw as a challenge and tried super hard to catch a photo of her mid air.  It was pretty funny to watch. 


She actually is off the ground in the last one and maybe a few others.  Since she only “jumps” like an inch off the ground it is pretty hard to tell.